Sarah and Phil's 10 year vow renewal in Lake Angelus

To get from *this* video to this just amazing. Residential events are TOUGH. They are very complex and require TLC and (at very least) level ground. It is tough to believe that this clip was shot in May, and just a few short months later we were helping S & P celebrate their anniversary with 100 of their closest friends and family. It took a very large team to pull this one off, and we'd like to take a moment to thank every single one of our vendors - The Lighting Guy, Plum Market, The Oakland, Eskimo Jacks, DJ Graffiti, Bliss & Bone, All Things Grow, Rock Paper Scissors, Epic Motion, Event Source, Gerych's, Colonial, Katie Wachowiak of Reinhardt Blooms (!!!), and of course the VLD team.

Ok listen up Bryan, Ryan and Alana - you guys were the best. You were SO GOOD. My mind was blown by my own team this weekend. When 500 pounds of acrylic (per table) is off center by 15 inches and you move every single one because you agree that we just couldn't leave it the way it was (and I'm a crazy person), that is what makes us good. When the sky goes "BOOM!" the second the guests sit down, and we're cueing the client, the dj, and the pastor in 3 different places, AND welcoming guests with umbrellas like they're cute favors, that is what makes us good. When it's threatening to rain on our champagne escort cards and we pick up the entire table with 100 champagne flutes with cards in alphabetical order and successfully (sloooowly) move it to safety, that is what makes us good. When Ryan volunteers to jump in the pool fully clothed to make the floating flowers perfect, that is what makes us good. And lastly, when we have a team contest of who can say "It's my pleasure" the most in one day, and we have so much fun doing it, that is what makes us good. Thank you, Alison and Bryan. I am so proud. And thank you Sarah and Phil for allowing us to be a part of this fantastic experience. We are so thrilled to have had this day captured by the insanely talented Bryce Covey Photography, and just can't wait for the images. Congratulations again to Sarah and Phil!

Behind the Scenesalk